カテゴリー: 展示会関連動画

12月 11
Friday Flush: Lee Coburn

Office envy is a real thing, and for those who love nature, this latest Friday Flush…

12月 11
산업용 물펌프 소개/그린텍 (ENVEX)

1979년부터 시작된 환경기술&탄소중립 전문 전시회인 ‘ENVEX’. 공식 유튜브 계정을 통해 참가기업의 기술소개 영상을 지속 업로드하고 있습니다.…

12月 11
Mehmet Sönmez – Delta Electronics Ülke Müdürü

WIN EURASIA 2023 Katılımcıları, fuar hakkında görüşlerini dile getiriyor.…

12月 11
香港のAsian Logistics, Maritime and Aviation Conference (ALMAC) 2023のようす

出展者であるSCMO (APAC)が、フリーポートである香港で開催するALMAC出展の様子を語ります。

12月 11
Japan Expo 2023 – AKARA [Sakura]

Le groupe AKARA, qui mêle rock et instruments traditionnels japonais a mis le feu sur…

12月 10
Surgery in new dimensions – with ARSPECTRA

Surgery you can touch: At the ARSPECTRA stand, visitors to MEDICA can experience what…

12月 10
USA, what’s new? – Highlight tour at the US Pavilion

MEDICA connects medical technology companies and their customers from around the…

12月 10
🎤 Pitch OLNICA | Start-Me-Up | Salon du Bourget 2023

Pitch OLNICA #parisairshow #startmeup Vous aimez l’aéronautique et…

12月 10
空間デザイナーのイベントづくりとは InterBEE(国際放送機器展)・日本の技フェアの設計

よーこ編集長が憧れる空間デザイナーでイベントディレクターの渡部さんが出演。InterBEE(国際放送機器展)や日本の技フェア … source

12月 10
WEFTEC 2023 Opening General Session Highlights

See highlights of the 2023 WEFTE Opening General Session, Bringing People to the…