カテゴリー: 展示会関連動画

11月 18
« Être présent c’est incontournable » | SIAL Paris

Témoignage de Marion GUINAUDEAU, Product Manager chez Eurial (FRA) Eurial est une…

11月 18
ROBERT, der Roboter in der Reha – Life Science Robotics

Auf der MEDICA 2023 stellt das dänische Unternehmen Life Science Robotics ROBERT vor.…

11月 18
Kabellose Revolution im Neugeborenen-Monitoring – Bambi Medical

Bambi Medical präsentiert den Bambi Belt, ein Wearable für Neugeborene, das die…

11月 18
Corporate Decarbonization- Session powered by Powered by Bridge to India- REI Expo 2023

Moderator : Mr. Mridul Chadha, Associate Director, Consulting, Bridge To India…

11月 18
AMR clip- Sen. Hassan/Dr. Bertagnolli-Hearing on Nomination of Monica Bertagnolli for NIH Director

At the Senate HELP Committee hearing on the nomination of Dr. Monica Bertagnolli for…

11月 18
나노버블 발생장치/화우나노텍 (ENVEX)

1979년부터 시작된 환경기술&탄소중립 전문 전시회인 ‘ENVEX’. 공식 유튜브 계정을 통해 참가기업의 기술소개 영상을…

11月 18
Breaking Down Barriers: How Great Mentors Become Even Greater Leaders

The benefits of mentorship are clear for mentees: It provides them with support in…

11月 18
Post Show Hospitalar 2023

Confira os depoimentos dos expositores da Hospitalar 2023. source

11月 18
Japan Expo 2023 – SENJU Shishi-lion [Sakura]

SENJU est un groupe de danses traditionnelles japonaises. Découvrez leur spéctacle où…

11月 17
【 China is ready for you】Viajar por China ha sido mucho más fácil!

China is ready for you】Viajar por China ha sido mucho más fácil! ✨ –…

11月 17
« C’est mon seul salon de l’année » | SIAL Paris

Témoignage de Nicolas SUBRA, Fondateur du Magicien Bio (FRA) Le Magicien Bio a…

11月 17
Wireless revolution in neonatal monitoring – Bambi Medical

Bambi Medical introduces the Bambi Belt, a wearable device designed for newborns that…