カテゴリー: 展示会関連動画

9月 08
From under one roof: x-ray equipment and it’s software

Imaging is a very broad field, but offers an incredible number of exciting facets. We…

9月 08
Robots in the OR: flexible, precise, tireless

Robots promise a precision and accuracy in the OR that human hands cannot achieve.…

9月 08
🎙️Et vous, un petit mot sur le #parisairshow ?

Micro trottoir sur vos impressions à propos du Salon International de…

9月 08
ドラッグストアショー 2023 展示会レポート 売上前年度比6.3%アップと積極的な出店が続く薬局

ドラッグストア業界は2021年度の全国売上高が前年度比6.3%増となり、全国総店舗数も伸びを見せ積極的な出店が継続してい … source

9月 08
Brand Licensing Europe 2023 – It Starts Here

Brand Licensing Europe returns to ExCeL London from 4-6 October – find out…

9月 08
Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA) Criticized PAHPA for not Including the PASTEUR Act

Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA) criticized the PAHPA bill for not including the Pioneering…

9月 08
WIP XR – Empereur

annecyfestival #animation #annecy2023 #annecymifa #XR Session de Work In Progress XR…

9月 07
IGN gamescom studio 2023 | Day 5 | English Livestream

Thanks for checking out Gamescom 2023 on IGN. Be sure to visit IGN from August 22th…

9月 07

Asia’s annual fashion extravaganza, CENTRESTAGE, will be held from 6 to 9…