カテゴリー: 展示会関連動画

2月 14
Inspiration Awaits at the National Restaurant Association Show

Unleash the power of innovation at the National Restaurant Association Show – the…

2月 14
Pharmtech & Ingredients 2022: Отзывы участников – Ярослав Советкин, Медицина СИБУР

Ярослав Советкин, Руководитель отраслевых продаж Медицина СИБУР, об участии в…

2月 14
Yaping Shou, Venture Partner at Lilly Asia Ventures, Discusses U.S.-China Biotech Trends-BIO CEO2023

Yaping Shou, MD, Ph.D., Venture Partner at Lilly Asia Ventures and CEO of Wells…

2月 13
Lessons from Duolingo: From Startup to IPO

In this GDC 2022 session, Karin Tsai, Senior Director of Engineering, shares the key…

2月 13
Asian Financial Forum 2023 – “One minute with” Andrew Lo of UBS

Andrew Lo of UBS talks to the HKTDC at the 16th Asian Financial Forum (AFF) on 11-12…

2月 13
SIAL Talks | Planet and profit: it’s time they became best allies

Rising energy, food and staff costs and the climate emergency show that it has become…

2月 13

東京ビッグサイトで開催された東京ビジネスチャンスEXPO2022の会場の様子です! ◇取材、お問い合わせ … source

2月 13
Connect with Your Peers in Foodservice at the National Restaurant Association Show

Unleash the power of innovation at the National Restaurant Association Show – the…

2月 13
Pharmtech & Ingredients 2022: Отзывы участников – Чжу Ханцзюнь, Гендиректор Sinopharmtech (Китай)

Чжу Ханцзюнь, Генеральный директор Sinopharmtech (Китай), об участии в выставке…