カテゴリー: 展示会関連動画

9月 22
폐자원 에너지화 특성화 사업&인재 양성 프로그램/종합환경서비스기관/한국환경공단 (2021)

1979년부터 시작된 환경기술&탄소중립 전문 전시회인 ‘ENVEX’. 공식 유튜브 계정을 통해 참가기업의 기술소개…

9月 21
Building a Strong Studio Culture Microtalks

In this GDC 2022 talk, panelists speaking from a diverse range of perspectives share…

9月 21
CBE Cosmoprof 2022

http://www.cosmoprofcbeasean.com Cosmoprof CBE ASEAN is the new B2B show in Thailand…

9月 21
CENTRESTAGE 2022 – Designers’ Collection Show 2

Featuring DAFU x YAMASAWA PRESS, ABI, Kinks Lab, aterlierYVF, athenaeum(m.),…

9月 21
IMTS+ Creators Lounge – Day 3 LIVE

The IMTS+ Creators Lounge is a featured attraction where manufacturing creators,…

9月 21
Growing the Asian Brew From Coffee, Covid and Local Cultures

Traditionally, Asia has not been a major coffee drinking region, but this is changing…

9月 21
IMTS+ Creators Lounge – Day 6 LIVE

The IMTS+ Creators Lounge is a featured attraction where manufacturing creators,…

9月 21
Thrive Together with Australian Dairy

Thrive Together with Australian Dairy: Partnering to Provide Safe, Nutritious and…

9月 21
ExpoElectronica и ElectronTechExpo 2022: Отзывы участников – Николай Ковалёв, ГК «Диполь»

Николай Ковалёв, Председатель совета директоров ГК «Диполь», об участии в выставке…