Genia Mineeva is the founder of Been London, a sustainable fashion brand that uses…
Die globale Plastikflut setzt sich weiter fort – mit drastischen Auswirkungen auf…
Gerold Schley, the CEO of battenfield-cincinnati refers about their new developements…
HPA-China will provide an overview of China’s dietary supplement market…
We are excited that you are joining us from around the world for the speech that we…
BeautyEurasia #cosmetics #beauty #personalcare. source
Dünya konfeksiyon makine sanayinin en büyük markaları 3 Ağustos’u bekliyor.…
In this 2019 GDC session, Luke Dicken discusses how Zynga uses AI to support their…
United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd. develops and produces a full portfolio of advanced…