カテゴリー: 展示会関連動画

8月 21
Уличные рекламные поверхности «Крокус Экспо»

Ознакомьтесь с возможностями для рекламы на уличной территории «Крокус Экспо». source

8月 21
Environment Federation Recognizes Excellence in Water Research and Education

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is announcing the 2022 WEF…

8月 21
Science Helped Save the World from Covid. What will Vaccine Tech Do Next? I am BIO Episode 66

2021 was the unofficial year of mRNA—and deservedly so. But the science behind the…

8月 21
The Underestimated Villain // Comfort ARTHUR // Interview

AnnecyFestival #Commissionedfilms #animation #interview Commissioned Films in…

8月 21
【Medical Taiwan 2022】Live Tour- Huijia HealthCare

Huijia Health global original technology- Non-invasive Fiber Optic Physiological…

8月 21
sofi™ Awards

The Specialty Food Association’s sofi™ Awards have been honoring the best in…

8月 20
‘Root’: A Usability Postmortem

In this 2021 Board Game Design Summit session, Leder Games’ Joshua Yearsley…

8月 20
Countdown to K2022: The World’s No 1 Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber – 19-26 Oct in Düsseldorf

Welcome to K 2022! The global highlight for the plastics and rubber industry will…

8月 20
Glasklar und hitzebeständig – COC-Folien für die Mikrofluidik

COC-Folien eignen sich besonders gut für den Einsatz in der Mikrofluidik. Typische…

8月 20
Crystal clear and heat resistant – COC films for microfluidics

COC films are particularly well suited for use in microfluidics. Typical applications…