カテゴリー: 展示会関連ニュース

3月 30
カワサキ、『エリミネーター』『エリミネーターSE』を4月25日から発売へ | MotoGP | autosport web

【動画】葉月美優の注目は800ccのニューSUZUKIと最強400ccNinja/東京モーターサイクルショー · MotoGP 2023/03/28.…

3月 30
Luis Enrique nunca perdió un partido con la selección por más de un gol – Cadena SER

Y es que el ambiente de confrontación entre seguidores y detractores no ha parado…

3月 30
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2: Release date, time and all you need to know

Fans are anticipating the following season since the show just revealed this release…

3月 30
Kansas City’s Coterie Theater alleges ex-director Jeff Church ‘forced himself’ on adults

The Coterie Theater published a summary of an investigation months after Jeff Church,…

3月 30
Man taken into custody after driving vehicle into bake shop – East Idaho News

The damage done from Wednesday's incident at Geraldine's Bake Shoppe &…

3月 30
2日間で10万人来場–大型アニメイベント「AnimeJapan 2023」が開催 – CNET Japan


3月 30
「天国大魔境」「SYNDUALITY Noir」「東リベ」聖夜決戦編など話題作続々 「AnimeJapan 2023 …

ディズニープラスが、3月25日~26日に東京ビッグサイトで行われたアニメイベント「AnimeJapan 2023」に初出展。1日目は、「ディズニーっコらぢお出張版…

3月 30
Independent investigation finds evidence former Coterie Theatre director engaged in sexual miscon…

Report states no evidence that misconduct happened at the Coterie, or involved…

3月 30
Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE interview with Kazutaka Kodaka at GDC 2023

Gematsu had a chance to sit down with Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE scenario…

3月 30
After Blizzard Split, NetEase Loses World of Warcraft And Looks for New Hits – Bloomberg

Last week, leaders from the company were at the Game Developers Conference in San…

3月 30
Some misconduct claims against KC’s Coterie Theatre leader confirmed

Kansas City's Coterie Theatre releases results of a sexual misconduct…

3月 30
See what Feizy and Thom Filicia have in store for High Point Market – Furniture Today

See what Feizy and Thom Filicia have in store for High Point Market. Anne Flynn…