According to Imm Cologne, handleless pieces are a new design trend for kids'…
Lack of consistency in food ingredients, in terms of sensory or quality parameters,…
Dans cet extrait, Jean-François et Thomas, les co-fondateurs, répondaient en direct à…
今回は、テクニカルショウヨコハマ2023の会期中に、リアルセミナーとして実施します。 中国でのビジネスにご興味のある方のご参加お待ちしています。
A stitch in time saves nine – Digital transformation in a Thailand leading OEM,…
Lamasco: 3y filly: unraced in US/Can in 2021: 1 win/6 runs, $32k 2022: 8.6/1,…
Jet Wings: 3y gelding: 0 wins/3 runs, $3k in US/Can in 2021; 1 win/2 runs, $31k…
At K 2022, Plastiblow showed the new all-electric PB50ES-1000 Coex3 machine making…