Welcome to the Licensing Expo 2024 highlights reel! Dive into the most exciting…
1979년부터 시작된 환경산업기술&탄소중립 전문 전시회인 ‘ENVEX’. 공식 유튜브 계정을 통해 참가기업의 기술소개…
How does a country establish its own space program? Michal Brichta, co-founder of the…
Visai Games’ Venba won the Seumas McNally Grand Prize for Best Independent Game…
THAIMACH คือชื่อที่เชื่อได้สำหรับระบบการตรวจวัด…
Ever wonder, how the worlds of mass-produced and niche fragrances are colliding?…
Level up your F&B game at THAIFEX – ANUGA ASIA 2024! Your best chance to elevate…
📣 Save the date! On April 22nd, at the Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao,…
Jing Liu, Director of DSM Biomedical, explains bioresorbability, its role in…