カテゴリー: 展示会関連動画

12月 18
БЛИЦ-ИНТЕРВЬЮ | СВЕТЛАНА КУРДЮМОВА, Solstudio Textile Group | Бизнес-форум RFRF на СРМ 2024

В МОСКВЕ СОСТОЯЛСЯ 42-й СЕЗОН ВЫСТАВКИ МОДЫ CPM С 26 по 29 августа в Москве прошла…

12月 18
Top Drawer x Quadrigloo (Spotlight Award Winner)

Top Drawer Autumn 2024 saw Quadrigloo walk away as the winner of Innovation in Design…

12月 17
To Be a Seed (Ser semilla) // Julia GRANILLO TOSTADO // Interview

animation #Shorts #shortfilms #shortsfilm #annecyfestival #animationfilms #interview…

12月 17
Ford Otosan Kalite Sistemleri ve Görüntü İşleme Sistemleri Ürün Sahibi Mustafa Karacan Röportajı

Ford Otosan Kalite Sistemleri ve Görüntü İşleme Sistemleri Ürün Sahibi Mustafa…

12月 17
5 Minutes With….Noah Rosenblatt

Our Beauty Correspondent Emily L. Foley interviews Noah Rosenblatt, President of…

12月 17
¡Fuimos a buscar como mejorar nuestros procesos de soldadura!

Sofía Ramírez nos contó que fue a FABTECH México a buscar innovación y mejoras para…

12月 17
An interview with Charles Landry

Charles Landry, Essayist and Urban Sociologist, reveals the concept and ways to…

12月 17
Thank you, Mr Manfred Schmitt- Bormann of Gupo, for your years of support

Thank you, Mr Manfred Schmitt- Bormann of Gupo, for your years of support✨ We…