カテゴリー: 展示会関連動画

2月 16
Hong Kong is ready. Are you ready?

A warm welcome from HKTDC Executive Director Margaret Fong, as Hong Kong steps up its…

2月 16
An early glimpse of Beautyworld Middle East 2023

Beautyworld Middle East is more than just a trade show – it’s a catalyst for…

2月 16
Step into the Chinese market with SIAL in China!

SIAL Shanghai will take place from 18-20 May 2023 at Shanghai New International Expo…

2月 16
Asian Financial Forum 2023 – “One minute with” Benjamin Soh of STACS

Benjamin Soh of STACS talks to the HKTDC at the 16th Asian Financial Forum (AFF) on…

2月 16
SIAL Talks | Sustainable agriculture and food: what levers for action?

How can we feed the 10 billion people we will be in 2050, while preserving the planet…

2月 16
Produktdesign in der Medizintechnik

Gutes Design schmeichelt nicht nur dem Auge oder der Hand. Es garantiert auch eine…

2月 16
Product design in medical technology

Good design not only pleases the eye or the hand. It also guarantees intuitive and…

2月 16
Salone del Mobile.Milano 2023 | What to expect

The Salone del Mobile.Milano is the worldwide-renowned furniture exhibition with…

2月 16
Join the Global Foodservice Industry at the National Association Restaurant Show

As the Western Hemisphere’s most influential showcase of foodservice innovation…

2月 16
DairyTech 2023 – Дирекция выставки приняла участие в XIV Съезде Союзмолоко

Накануне выставки DairyTech 2023, которая откроется уже завтра, 25 января, в МВЦ…

2月 16
Entrepreneur Day 2022 – Balance Beyond the Boom

Start-ups are fuelling up the global economy by their innovative solutions. Under the…