カテゴリー: 展示会関連動画

2月 15
Asian Financial Forum 2023 – “One minute with” Mana Khanijou of Cryptomind

Mana Khanijou of Cryptomind talks to the HKTDC at the 16th Asian Financial Forum…

2月 15

Herzlich willkommen auf der BIOFACH / VIVANESS 2023! Tauchen Sie mit uns in die bunte…

2月 15
【Talk with Market Leaders III 】Episode 4: Challenges & Opportunities for Recycling in ASEAN

Closed loop recycling isn’t a walk in the park. It requires the #collaboration…

2月 15
SIAL Talks | The packaging revolution for a cleaner future

In the face of material shortages and supply difficulties, and to meet consumer…

2月 15
Nachhaltiges Krankenhaus – Herzkatheter im Rohstoffkreislauf

Gerade im Krankenhausbetrieb fällt aufgrund vieler Einwegprodukte jede Menge Müll an.…

2月 15
Sustainable hospital – Cardiac catheter in the raw material cycle

Particularly in hospitals, a lot of waste is generated due to the large number of…

2月 15
Lombardini studio visit for Euroluce 2023

In anticipation for the #salonedelmobile2023 press conference tomorrow, we visited…

2月 15
Pharmtech & Ingredients 2022: Отзывы участников – Алексей Максимов, Генеральный директор AURORA

Алексей Максимов, Генеральный директор AURORA, об участии в выставке Pharmtech &…

2月 15
Belt and Road Summit 2022 – The Bright New Era

In the Business Plenaries and Thematic Breakout Sessions of the The seventh Belt and…