カテゴリー: 展示会関連動画

2月 05
제43회 국제환경산업기술&그린에너지전(ENVEX2022) 스케치 영상

제43회 국제환경산업기술&그린에너지전(ENVEX) 스케치 영상 – 지난 2022년 6월 8일~10일까지 서울 코엑스 A홀에서,…

2月 04
Belt and Road Summit 2022- Capturing Synergies

In the Business Plenaries and Thematic Breakout Sessions of the The seventh Belt and…

2月 04
The Design Direction of ‘I Expect You To Die 2’

In this GDC 2022 session, walk through the design and production process of Schell…

2月 04

ゲストに人気声優の#福山潤、#鬼頭明里、#藤田茜、#鈴木崚汰 の4人を迎え、 #AnimeJapan 2023のステージ全46プログラムを大 … source

2月 04
Visit Drager at Arab Health 2023

Turning technology into “Technology for Life” Dräger manufactures medical and safety…

2月 04
Hall 5: Construction development up to completion in fast motion

The stage is yours, hall 5! After less than three years of construction, we are…

2月 04
SIAL Talks | Lunch: a major challenge for all distribution channels

With more than 7 billion lunches consumed every day worldwide, the lunch market is…

2月 04
하수관로 조사로봇, 휴대용 자동채수기/에코베이스 (2022)

1979년부터 시작된 환경기술&탄소중립 전문 전시회인 ‘ENVEX’. 공식 유튜브 계정을 통해 참가기업의 기술소개 영상을…