カテゴリー: 展示会関連動画

8月 18
Modern medicine needs plastics – K-Talk #2

In hospitals, medical practices or emergency care, devices, packaging or aids made of…

8月 18
Virtuelle Therapie: Entlastung für Behandelnde – Gamification für den Therapieerfolg

In fremde Welten abtauchen, Aufgaben absolvieren, Abenteuer erleben – Computerspiele…

8月 18
Virtual treatment relieves therapists – Gamification for a successful therapy

Immerse yourself into strange worlds, solve tasks, experience adventures – computer…

8月 18
着ぐるみの熱中症対策 空調服 ゴーゴープロダクション – Japan Event Week 2022

6 月29日から7 月1日の 3日間、東京ビッグサイトで開催された第 9 回 Japan Event Week。コロナ禍により大きな影響を受けた … source

8月 18

ポートメッセなごやで開催されたファベックス中部・東海スーパーマーケットビジネスフェア2022の初日7月20日の様子です! source

8月 18
Space travel science to engineer anti-ageing solutions

Space travel is an adapted platform to study aging as because of the extreme…

8月 18

We have curated a series of webinars presented by industry partners and professionals…

8月 18
WEF Spotlight Collection Systems

You know about our aging wastewater infrastructure in the U.S. and how it’s…

8月 18
Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath, Pandemic Preparedness

Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath participated in a webinar, “Strengthening Private…

8月 18
Spill & Dish Podcast: Passing the Torch with Emilio Mignucci Part 2

Along with his two brothers, Emilio Mignucci spearheaded the second generation of Di…

8月 17
The Defining Themes of the Modern Console Market

In this 2021 GDC session, Omdia’s Steven Bailey will provide insight into the…