カテゴリー: 展示会関連動画

7月 26
Sustainable fashion accessories

Genia Mineeva is the founder of Been London, a sustainable fashion brand that uses…

7月 26
IFAT Munich 2022 | Kreislaufwirtschaft & Ressourceneffizienz

Die globale Plastikflut setzt sich weiter fort – mit drastischen Auswirkungen auf…

7月 26
K Preview 2022: Gerold Schley, battenfield-cincinnati

Gerold Schley, the CEO of battenfield-cincinnati refers about their new developements…

7月 26
ワンコが話す⁉ イーロンマスクが僕の代わりに会議に? xpression cameraがつくる新しいコミュニケーションの形 ゲスト:EmbodyMe 吉田一星さん


7月 26
Latest on China’s dietary supplement industry

HPA-China will provide an overview of China’s dietary supplement market…

7月 26
【COMPUTEX AMD CEO Keynote】AMD Advancing the High-Performance Computing Experience

We are excited that you are joining us from around the world for the speech that we…

7月 26
Konfeksiyon sektörü CNR KONFEK’i bekliyor

Dünya konfeksiyon makine sanayinin en büyük markaları 3 Ağustos’u bekliyor.…

7月 26
Beyond NPCs: AI for Game Operations

In this 2019 GDC session, Luke Dicken discusses how Zynga uses AI to support their…

7月 26
United Imaging at Arab Health 2022

United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd. develops and produces a full portfolio of advanced…