Zeynep Çelebi – Moderatör i2i Systems Kurumsal İletişim Uzmanı Ayhan Kapusuz…
Every Fancy Food Show our Trendspotters walk the Show floor and identify existing or…
ILA Berlin 2022 The world of aerospace meets at the industry’s leading…
Be Well, Live Well Motivated by a profound respect for every individual, Wellell…
Отзыв участника — Антона Пятовского, министра туризма и молодежной политики Кузбасса,…
AnnecyFestival #Shorts #shortfilms #animation #interview Perspectives Short Films in…
Watch Smart(er) Shop, a new IMTS+ show brought to you by Autodesk, where AMT’s…
Fashion expert Louisa Smith presenting her 5 megatrends in the textile industry for…
Consumer’s demand for more sustainable products has risen dramatically in…
エレクトロニクスの最新製造装置、電子部品・材料が集まるネプコンジャパン2022開幕! 電子機器の多様化・高性能化をい支える … source