カテゴリー: 展示会関連ニュース

2月 01
James Gunn unveils DC’s new film and TV plan, including fresh spins on Supergirl, Batman

James Gunn speaks onstage at the Marvel Cinematic Universe Mega-Panel during 2022…

2月 01
MoIAT launches the Industrial Census project – SME10X

As part of Arab Health's commitment to showcasing the latest technology and…

2月 01
Why Arab Health is more than a conference – The National

Hady El Khoury of GE Healthcare told Arab Health that sustainable practices were the…

2月 01
トーカロの4〜12月期、純利益13%増 売上高の増加でコスト高を吸収 – – 神戸経済ニュース

解説)国際フロンティア産業メッセ、トーカロなど初出展 ドローンで活性化 (2022/09/05). ・トーカロ、今期純利益8%増に上方修正 半導体分野けん引・受注 ...

2月 01
Jeff Smith hits the road for “Dawn of Man” national TUKI promo tour – Comics Beat

Comic Con International, San Diego, CA *Special Guest. September 29-October 1, 2023.…

2月 01
Masimo Demonstrates Advanced Health Tracking Watch Integrated with Philips’s Enterprise …

The Masimo W1 being showcased at Arab Health 2023 is the first watch to offer…

2月 01
Saudi minister of health at the opening of Arab Health 2023 in Dubai – Arab News

RIYADH: Saudi Minister of Health Fahad Al-Jalajel attended the opening of the medical…

2月 01
Caza furtiva de rinocerontes en Namibia se duplicó en 2022 – Chron

El Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Silvicultura y Turismo publicó las cifras el lunes,…

2月 01
James Gunn unveils plans for new slate of DC superhero movies – WLOS

James Gunn attends a panel for Marvel Studios on day three of Comic-Con International…

2月 01
Dupla é flagrada abandonando cachorro na estrada de Caeté

Entretanto, a PM deu voz de prisão aos autores pelo crime de maus-tratos. A cadela foi…