カテゴリー: 展示会関連ニュース

1月 18
【新年インタビュー】入間川ゴム 清水佑樹社長


1月 18
Ambiente, a Landscape Hotel, to Open Feb 1 in Sedona

Elevated above the ground by steel piers and constructed using floor-to-ceiling,…

1月 18
Surgical Lighting Systems Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future | Prominent Players

January 2019 – Getinge AB, announced the launch of its new Maquet PowerLED II, at the…

1月 18
Faltering exports – the longer term for textiles – Opinion – Business Recorder

There is one inescapable conclusion, Pakistan gets the lowest values for its…

1月 18
Emplazan al gobierno a rechazar el proyecto Dominga – YouTube

El Comité de Ministros del Medio Ambiente decidirá mañana el futuro de esta millonaria…

1月 18
Arab Emirates, 24th Intersec exhibition opened in Dubai – Emergency Live

Arab Health 2022: Dubai Corporation For Ambulance Services (DCAS) Unveils…

1月 18
Atomo Diagnostics showcases rapid test platforms at Arab Health – Med-Tech Innovation

Atomo Diagnostics will be showcasing its range of user-centred rapid diagnostic test…

1月 18
Call for Entries Now Open for MIPFormats and MIPDoc Pitches – TTV News – TodoTVNews

Both events will take place in parallel with Miptv, from April 17 to 19 at the…

1月 18
Sandhills Best Bets: Week of Jan. 18 | Features | thepilot.com

Enjoy live music with The Shoppe Girls on Saturday, Jan. 21, 7 to 10 p.m., at Southern…

1月 18
植物工場野菜『ベジタス』シリーズが、累計販売数1億食を突破! – BIGLOBEニュース

ココカラ、施設園芸・植物工場展2022での自社ブランドのココピート「コイアピット」およびヘルプセンターを展示・紹介【事後レポート】. 8月9日18時17分.

1月 18
India – from tailor to retailer

Textile – apparel and home textiles – can provide an unprecedented opportunity for…