カテゴリー: 展示会関連ニュース

11月 03
Friday Flush: Bryn Nelson

When people ask why someone would want to set out to write a book about the flush,…

11月 03
PHAS 2022: Day 1-Evening – BIO Patient Summit Reception

Holly Bode of American Kidney Fund talks about the value of connecting with patient…

11月 03
Micro-trottoir du jour – Daily vox pop – J1 – Annecy Festival 2022

#animation #AnnecyFestival #AnnecyMifa #Annecy2022 #Shorts Celles et ceux qui font le…

11月 03
【Taiwan International Tradeshows】 2022 E-Mobility Forum

What will the world be like in the E-Mobility era? The core technologies of smart…

11月 03
MC自動化、拡張に対応 キタムラ機械2機種投入 年数経ても最新機能 – 北日本新聞

... が1880万円(税別)、「Med-」は2560万円(同)。2機種は8~13日に東京ビッグサイトで開かれる日本国際工作機械見本市に出展する。

11月 03
CCUS 멤브레인 및 바이오가스 고질화 멤브레인/에어레인 (2022)

1979년부터 시작된 환경기술&탄소중립 전문 전시회인 ‘ENVEX’. 공식 유튜브 계정을 통해 참가기업의 기술소개…

11月 03
Nonwovens Insights: Winner Medical | Nonwovens Industry – UK NEWS TO DAY

... personal care, home care, mother and child care, home textiles, clothing and other…

11月 03
China complains after reports U.S. will send B-52 bombers to Australia – Washington Times

In this July 10, 2012, file photo a B-52 bomber flies past the airfield during the…

11月 03
AMT, Hannover Fairs Announce Split – SME

After 10 years of a successful collaboration producing co-located shows at IMTS – The…

11月 03
Gingerbread Shoppe, Tangled Tinsel festivals help kick-start the holiday season in Chattanooga area

Gingerbread Shoppe, Tangled Tinsel festivals help kick-start the holiday season in…

11月 03
EVs Drive Growth in Battery Separator Film Extrusion Lines | plasticstoday.com

At K 2022, the supplier unveiled details of its latest offering — a 6-m-wide line with…

11月 03
松坂屋名古屋店に「ハンズ」新店 約3万種類の品ぞろえ、テーマ別コーナーも

取り扱いカテゴリーは、ヘルス&ビューティー、ハウスウエア、シューケア、ステーショナリー、バッグ&トラベル、バラエティーなど。アイテムは約3万種類を ...