1 сентября в ЦВК “Экспоцентр” успешно завершился юбилейный 40-й сезон крупнейшей в…
A common theme when people talk about Operations Challenge is the unbelievable…
Katılımcılarımızın Görüşleri WIN2023 “Bir hayalle başladık ve bugün görüyoruz ki…
Creating stories for games is a team effort, but what happens when we stop thinking…
ISPO Munich 2023 is ON! The stages are set, and the curtains rise on the…
Mieux utiliser les ressources – solutions dédiées à la valorisation des déchets…
Healthcare in rural areas is often difficult. The “Neighbourhood…
Project MARCH, ein studentisches Team der TU Delft, arbeitet an der Entwicklung von…
半導体やサイバーセキュリティなどを扱うVAD事業、サイバーフィジカルシステムソリューション事業を手がけるマクニカ。 source