カテゴリー: 展示会関連動画

11月 28
BIO Policy Pulse: PBM Reform Bill Advances in House

The House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee advanced bipartisan legislation…

11月 28
기액접촉식 스크러버/티엠씨 (ENVEX)

1979년부터 시작된 환경기술&탄소중립 전문 전시회인 ‘ENVEX’. 공식 유튜브 계정을 통해 참가기업의 기술소개 영상을…

11月 28
Cosmoprof Asia 2023 – #BeautyHunt with Kris Lumagui

Reinvent Self-Care with Science #BeautyHunt with Kris Lumagui!】 Tag along with Kris…

11月 27
Announcement Moderation ISPO – Magdalena Kalus #acceleratingsports

You can’t be at ISPO this year? Then Magdalena Kalus aka Maggi from “you…

11月 27

Software is often at the heart of modern medical technology – it not only drives…

11月 27

Immer kleiner werdende Komponenten für die Medizintechnik ermöglichen die Herstellung…

11月 27
🎤 Pitch SKYFINITY | Start-Me-Up | Salon du Bourget 2023

Pitch SKYFINITY #parisairshow #startmeup Vous aimez l’aéronautique et…

11月 27
МОДНЫЙ ПОКАЗ | бренд BEATRIS | Выставка дизайна и моды СРМ — Collection Première Moscow 2023

Модные показы на выставке CPM! 1 сентября в ЦВК “Экспоцентр” успешно завершился…

11月 27
Denim PV – Trend tasting Spring Summer 25

In recent seasons, denim has proven to be both an essential and versatile part of any…

11月 27
Smart(er) Shop S2E1 Pt. 1 | Cybersecurity Tips from MxD

Season 2, Episode 1 of the IMTS+ Original Series “Smart(er) Shop,” brought to you by…