カテゴリー: 展示会関連動画

4月 29
FHA-Food & Beverage 2023 Day 4 Highlights

It’s a wrap! A massive thank you for being part of FHA-Food & Beverage…

4月 29
Asian Licensing Conference – “One minute with” Maura Regan of Licensing International

Maura Regan of Licensing International talks to the HKTDC at the Asian Licensing…

4月 29
The Week in News: April 24 – 28

License Global’s “Week in News” breaks down some of the key updates from across…

4月 29
Pumps and Valves Asia 2023: Official VDO on 30 Aug – 1 Sep at QSNCC, Bangkok, Thailand

The Regional Leading Exhibition Specializing in Pumps, Valves, Pipes & Fittings…

4月 29
Progressive Cavity Pump Specialist/MONAS (ENVEX)

1979년부터 시작된 환경기술&탄소중립 전문 전시회인 ‘ENVEX’. 공식 유튜브 계정을 통해 참가기업의 기술소개 영상을…

4月 28
Corporate Partner Member Highlights

At the Corporate Partnership Dinner, we salute all the companies that support Space…

4月 28
Belt and Road Summit 2022: Heralding a New Chapter: Collaborate and Innovate

The seventh Belt and Road Summit, jointly organised by the Government of the Hong Kong…

4月 28
MIPTV 2023 Postcard

Take a look back at #MIPTV 2023! 3 DAYS. 4 MARKETS IN ONE. #MIPDOC #MIPFORMATS…

4月 28
Евразийское партнёрство: диалог лидеров

Масштабная идея большого евразийского партнерства – это образец стратегического…

4月 28
InnoEX 2023 – “One minute with” Richard Wong of Sotsu Medical

Richard Wong of Sotsu Medical (Japan) talks to the HKTDC at the inaugural InnoEX,…

4月 28
Salone del Mobile.Milano 2023 – Highlights

Let’s look at the 61st edition to round off #salonedelmobile2023 and learn…