カテゴリー: 展示会関連動画

2月 22
MU 36 Opening Ceremony

On tuesday, January 31, 2023 the 36th edition of Milano Unica opened with an Opening…

2月 22
Comment profiter de JAPAN EXPO SUD au maximum – EN ROUTE POUR JAPAN EXPO S02E08

Nouvel épisode d’En Route pour Japan Expo, l’émission pour tout savoir…

2月 22
Press conference Salone del Mobile.Milano 2023 | Interview – Beppe Finessi

Beppe Finessi reveals the cultural moments and installations of the various artists…

2月 22
SIAL Talks | Les protéines alternatives à l’horizon 2040, quel potentiel ? Quelles limites ?

“Les protéines alternatives (végétales, algues, insectes, par fermentation) à…

2月 22
スーパーマーケット・トレードショー開幕 食品流通・小売の最新情報が一堂に

スーパーマーケット・トレードショー(SMTS)は、スーパーマーケットを中心とする食品流通業界に最新情報を発信する商談 … source

2月 22
Restaurant Business Launches Inaugural General Manager of the Year Award

Restaurant Business is announcing its GM of the Year Award, an annual recognition of…

2月 22
Friday Flush: Stephanie Corso

Channeling the Tao of flush speak is really not as complicated as one might perceive.…

2月 21
Space Symposium Promo :25

The annual Space Symposium, held April 17-20, 2023 in Colorado Springs, CO, will…

2月 21
OnHair by Cosmoprof: Discover all the shows

Inside Hall 37, an Arena with a high-tech identity will host shows by leading…