カテゴリー: 展示会関連動画

11月 19
The U.S. Army Reserve Wants Water Professionals!

The U.S. Army Reserve has a new initiative to recruit water industry professionals to…

11月 19
JS프레스 채수기/제이에스인터거 (2022)

1979년부터 시작된 환경기술&탄소중립 전문 전시회인 ‘ENVEX’. 공식 유튜브 계정을 통해 참가기업의 기술소개…

11月 18
Physiological Effects of Crunch: A Look at the Science

In this 2022 GDC talk, Ian Schreiber walks through a literature review of the science…

11月 18
HIWIN si presenta nell’arena #BIMUpiù di 33.BIMU (fieramilano, ottobre 2022)

HIWIN: Vite intelligente di HIWIN: come entrare da subito nell’Industria 4.0 source

11月 18
K 2022: Highlight tour through Hall 13 (Part 2)

We take you on virtual tours through the exhibition halls. source

11月 18
Evonik Industries AG: More than just chemistry

From products for sterilization and disinfection to filaments for 3D printing and…

11月 18
Devices to wear today – Highlight tour at WT | Wearable Technologies Show

Small and large, visible and invisible, for pain relief, for monitoring chronic…

11月 18
Влад Немировский | Блиц-интервью | Бизнес-форум RFRF на выставке СРМ (Сентябрь 2022)

С 30 августа по 2 сентября в рамках 38-й выставки CPM в Экспоцентре состоялся…

11月 18
What is the best part of being at Vitafoods Europe?

Hear from some of our visitors at Vitafoods Europe 2022. Visit our website to learn…