Statement by John W. Herbert on the current situation and challenges facing the…
After a two-year break ISPO Munich is back at the start under the motto “New…
ROSA ERMANDO: “Efficienza produttiva dalla macchina alla persona” source
We interview exhibitors at K 2022 for you and ask them what exciting innovations they…
Chronic pain is a worldwide problem that continues to limit 30 percent of those…
Plastics are frequently used in medical technology and are almost indispensable. Find…
イベント産業の第一人者が集まるカンファレンスBACKSTAGEが2023年2月9日に虎ノ門ヒルズフォーラムで開催されます。開催に … source
幕張メッセで開催された農業Week、ガーデン&アウトドアEXPO、ツールジャパンの2日目、10月13日の様子です! ◇取材、 … source
С 30 августа по 2 сентября в рамках 38-й выставки CPM в Экспоцентре состоялся…
We need to attract young professionals from diverse backgrounds to join the water…