RUPLASTICA is a meeting place that provides a unique opportunity to see the entire polymer industry value chain and discover not only new business and partnership opportunities, but also innovative, sustainable solutions
MinutesRUPLASTICA is a meeting place that provides a unique opportunity to see the entire polymer industry value chain and discover not only new business and partnership opportunities, but also innovative, sustainable solutions
Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds
インドのデリーで開催された Labelexpo India 2024 に出展したInnovative Flexotech は、フレキソ印刷業界向けの革新的なソリ…
BSC Expo 2024にて、Battery Power Solutions(BPS)は持続可能なバッテリーソリューションを展示しました。同社のNXTGENb…
持続可能な食品業界に注目の新星「Rubies in the Rubble」が、IFE 2024展示会に出展。廃棄される野菜や果物から、受賞歴のある調味料を生み出…
「Helitech Expo 2024」で、Solent Transport社は医療物流におけるドローンの活用の研究成果を展示した。同社はホワイト島のNHSと連…
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3) 展示会の出展は、会場だけで終わらせてはいけません。オンラインで活用する「展示会動画マーケティング」はこちら
Cosmetic dispensing solutions are fundamental to the functionality of product p…
Beauty tech solutions are changing the way cosmetic scientists discover ingredi…
Beauty tech solutions are changing the way cosmetic scientists discover ingredi…
Seaweed science is helping the beauty industry transition away from petrochemic…
Longevity, skin vitality, and regenerative beauty are very in vogue. Both legac…
Bathing and wellness are as mainstream today as personal care is. CPG brands th…